Subject Overviews

The following is a short summary of the subjects on offer at ISB with samples of units of work students will complete during their studies at ISB.

Key Terms: 

Statement of inquiry: The guiding statement for the unit of work students will be learning about. 

Summative assessment: The final assessment task students complete to show their understanding of the unit of work in a product assessed against specific subject criteria. 

Conditions: Is the assessment task completed individually or as a group, is the task timed and in test conditions (in class) or are students allowed to work on the task outside of class time (at home) 


English Language and Literature (L&L) 

The aims of Language and literature are to encourage and enable students to: 

To develop the skills involved in listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and presenting in a variety of English-speaking contexts. 

To develop critical, creative, and personal approaches to studying and analyzing literary and 

non-literary texts in English. 

MYP 1-2: Word Sounds Have Power 

Statement of Inquiry: The use of structure and style helps communicate our hopes for the future. 

Summative Assessment: Present a speech, assessed against criterion C and D. Task Conditions: Spoken, in class assessment, individual. 

MYP 3-4: Novel Study 

Statement of Inquiry: Point of view and characterization provide readers with different perspectives on inequality, differences, and inclusion. 

Summative Assessment: Analytical Essay assessed against criterion A and B.  

Task Conditions: Handwritten, individual and in class time.  


Language Acquisition (LA) - English/Swedish 

Language Acquisition is defined as the learning of foreign languages. ISB offers English and Swedish for beginners and scaffolds learning from phases 1-6. 

In Language Acquisition students develop the communication skills necessary for further language learning, and for study, work, and leisure in a range of authentic contexts and for a variety of audiences and purposes. 


MYP 1-2: Where We Come From. 

Statement of inquiry: Exploring language as a tool for personal and cultural expression enhances our understanding of identity and strengthens connections with others. 

Summative Assessment: Short presentation introducing a family member or a cultural tradition. 

Task Conditions: In class, individual. 

MYP 3-4: 

Statement of inquiry: We can use the conventions of travel writing to express our creativity and connect with people from around the world.  

Summative Assessment: Write a short informative essay based one of the Ted talks studied. 

Task Conditions: 

In Class, individually. 


MYP 1-2: Who and where are we? 

Statement of inquiry: Through studying cultural practices and norms we can improve our pronunciation and our ability to express both who we are and where we are. 

Summative Assessment: Introduction recording. 

Task Conditions: In class or at home. 

MYP 3-4: 

Statement of inquiry: In order to solve conflict, it is often necessary to use creative argumentation effectively and appropriately. 

Summative Assessment: Debate on a local current issue. 

Task Conditions: Group task, in class. 



Some of the aims of MYP Mathematics are to encourage and enable students to: 

To enjoy mathematics, develop curiosity, and begin to appreciate its elegance and power. To develop an understanding of the principles and nature of mathematics. 

To communicate clearly and confidently in a variety of contexts. 

To develop logical, critical, and creative thinking. 

MYP 1-2 – Economical Concerns 

Statement of inquiry:  

Representing quantities in equivalent forms may enhance ingenuity and relationship.  

Summative Assessment: Solve mathematical problems related to pricing, discounts, interest rates, or other relevant contexts. Provide written explanations of the steps taken to solve each problem. 

Task Conditions: In class 

MYP 3-4 

Statement of Inquiry: Solutions may be developed by using a logical process to model patterns. 

Summative Assessment: In this task, students will demonstrate their proficiency in algebra by solving a series of complex problems that involve equations and expressions. This assessment task allows students to showcase their algebraic skills, problem-solving abilities, and time management in a challenging context. It emphasizes their understanding of algebraic concepts and their ability to apply these concepts to a variety of problems. 

Task Conditions: In class  



Subjects included in the Sciences at ISB are Biology, Physics and Chemistry, taught with a cross-curricular approach. The chief aim of MYP Science is to encourage and enable students to cultivate analytical, inquiring, and flexible minds that pose questions, solve problems, construct explanations and judge arguments. The students are also expected to develop skills with which they can design and perform investigations, evaluate evidence, and reach conclusions. 

MYP 1-2: Cell Theory 

Statement of inquiry: Investigating cell theory has allowed humans to understand that the structure of a cell determines its function. 

Summative Assessment: Students will create a detailed diagram or model of a eukaryotic cell, labeling its organelles and providing a brief description of their functions. 

Task Conditions: In class and at home. 

MYP 3-4:  Solar system

Statement of inquiry: Analysis of movement allows us to understand change and establish evolution of interactions. 

Summative Assessment: Students are required to create an informative presentation or report about the solar system, covering celestial bodies, their characteristics, and relevant scientific concepts. 

Task Conditions: In class and at home. 


Individuals and Societies (ISO) 

In Individuals and societies at ISB, students undertake a range of academic disciplines traditionally associated with the social sciences in Swedish schools. All students study History, Geography, Religion and Civics/Social Studies.  

MYP 1-2 

Statement of inquiry: Knowing the values and beliefs of a culture, and the conflicts within, is necessary to understanding the causes and consequences of change.  

Summative Assessment: Students will be giving a historic podcast demonstrating their understanding of the topic. 

Task Conditions: In small groups or as pairs, in class and at home. 

MYP 3-4 

Statement of inquiry: Changes that occur as a result of innovation and revolution can seriously impact our society and the environment.  

Summative Assessment: To produce a well-researched documentary film that utilises effective strategies to communicate to an audience the consequences of change. 

Task Conditions: In class and at home. Film is presented to class. 



At ISB the subjects included in Arts are both Visual art and Music.  

The main aims of MYP Arts are to encourage and enable students to create and present art, develop skills specific to the discipline, and respond to and reflect on art. By harnessing their creativity students can perform and create in a range of styles and genres and we have the facilities and materials which enable them to specialize in their chosen medium/instrument. 

MYP 1-2 

Statement of inquiry: Through the exploration of self-portraits, students will investigate how artistic expression and representation contribute to the understanding of individual and collective identities. 

Summative Assessment: Create a self-portrait that reflects your identity using a chosen medium + accompany the artwork with a written reflection explaining the artistic choices made in representing your identity. 

Task Conditions: In class or at home. 

MYP 3-4 

Statement of inquiry: The composition and development of Gamelan orchestras helps us understand the functions of Maths in music. 

Summative Assessment: Group performance; Gamelan orchestra 

Task Conditions: In class.  



The aims of MYP Design include to encourage and enable students to: 

To develop knowledge, understanding and skills from different disciplines to design and 

create solutions to problems using the design cycle. 

To use and apply technology effectively as a means to access, process and communicate information, model and create solutions, and to solve problems. 

MYP 1-2 

Statement of inquiry: A product that appears to be simple often requires an underlying system composed of complex components to function effectively Summative Assessment: Design and build an electric toy car using available materials. Incorporate key components such as motors, wheels, and a power source. Demonstrate creativity in the overall design. 

Task Conditions: In class and at home. 

MYP 3-4 

Statement of inquiry: Systems can be adapted to fulfill the needs of global markets. 

Summative Assessment: Students will undertake a hands-on project involving the creation and assembly of a self-assembly kit. The assessment aims to evaluate their understanding of assembly processes, clarity in instructional design, and creativity in developing a functional and engaging kit. 

Task Conditions: In class. 


Physical Education (PHE) 

In Physical and health education ISB offers a variety of activities. Sweden has distinct seasons, but here in the north there is a special focus on winter activities due to the longer snow season. Many classes are held outdoors to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful surroundings. ISB also offers many different opportunities for physical exercise, recreation, and competition outside school time through the municipality. 

Physical and health education aims to encourage and enable students to participate actively in a variety of physical activities and achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-06-10